Vol. 65, Issue 46
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Thursday, November 18, 2021


WHA Publications Reflect Pandemic’s Toll on Wisconsin Hospitals

WHA’s recently published 2020 Guide to Wisconsin Hospitals and 2020 Wisconsin Hospitals Uncompensated Care Report begin to shed some light on the financial impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on Wisconsin hospitals.
Both reports rely on fiscal year 2020 data, which includes varying year-end dates for WHA member hospitals. As a result, the full effects of the pandemic will continue to flow through financial reports compiled and published by the Wisconsin Hospital Association Information Center (WHAIC).
WHAIC’s mission is to help health care stakeholders in Wisconsin turn data into actionable insights that enable timely and reliable decision-making. The WHAIC online COVID-19 dashboard has served as a reliable source of information for policymakers, the media and the general public, logging nearly 1.2 million views since its launch in April 2020. In the case of its most recent reports, WHAIC’s work is drawing significant attention, with and Wisconsin Health News providing extensive coverage to falling incomes that have resulted from the many challenges COVID-19 has visited upon Wisconsin hospitals over the past 20 months.
Additional information on the important role Wisconsin hospitals play in the communities they serve will soon be published in the WHA 2021 Community Benefits Report, scheduled for release later this month. WHA members will receive additional information and resources related to this report prior to its publication.

This story originally appeared in the November 18, 2021 edition of WHA Newsletter

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Thursday, November 18, 2021

WHA Publications Reflect Pandemic’s Toll on Wisconsin Hospitals

WHA’s recently published 2020 Guide to Wisconsin Hospitals and 2020 Wisconsin Hospitals Uncompensated Care Report begin to shed some light on the financial impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on Wisconsin hospitals.
Both reports rely on fiscal year 2020 data, which includes varying year-end dates for WHA member hospitals. As a result, the full effects of the pandemic will continue to flow through financial reports compiled and published by the Wisconsin Hospital Association Information Center (WHAIC).
WHAIC’s mission is to help health care stakeholders in Wisconsin turn data into actionable insights that enable timely and reliable decision-making. The WHAIC online COVID-19 dashboard has served as a reliable source of information for policymakers, the media and the general public, logging nearly 1.2 million views since its launch in April 2020. In the case of its most recent reports, WHAIC’s work is drawing significant attention, with and Wisconsin Health News providing extensive coverage to falling incomes that have resulted from the many challenges COVID-19 has visited upon Wisconsin hospitals over the past 20 months.
Additional information on the important role Wisconsin hospitals play in the communities they serve will soon be published in the WHA 2021 Community Benefits Report, scheduled for release later this month. WHA members will receive additional information and resources related to this report prior to its publication.

This story originally appeared in the November 18, 2021 edition of WHA Newsletter

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