Thursday, January 16, 2020


CELEBRATING 100: Planning for the First Association Meeting in 1920

An article appearing in several newspapers across the state ran prior to the first meeting of the Association’s Sept. 16-17, 1920 meeting at the Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee. 

The Article: Organization of Hospitals of State Planned

“As a result of the Milwaukee Hospital Conference, held in Milwaukee a year ago, at which all Milwaukee hospitals were represented, a much larger organization which will include all state hospitals, is being planned by hospital boards and superintendents.

A meeting of representatives of all hospitals in the state will be held in Milwaukee at the Hotel Pfister Sept. 16 and 17. It is expected that every hospital in the state will be represented as the new association to be formed will be entirely non-sectarian and for that reason will be representative of the state. The state association when formed, will be a geographical unit of the American Hospital Association, which will meet in Montreal on October 4, and which will have among its delegates, several Wisconsin representatives who will be elected at the September meeting in Milwaukee.

The committee arranging for the convention includes Rev. Herman Fritschel, Milwaukee hospital; Miss Gertrude Borland, Hanover hospital; Miss Gertrude McKee, Milwaukee Children’s hospital; Dr. C. W. Munger, Columbia hospital and Arthur F. Belitz, Maternity hospital.

The main idea of the association will be to better the hospitals and their working conditions, by having annual meetings at which every hospital will be represented, frequent bulletins or possibly a regular publication. Such important points as adequate pay to hospitals for service in caring for workmen’s compensation cases, maintenance of nursing standards, state subsidization of hospitals doing charity work, and other like points, will be covered in the work of the association. Co-operative procedures such as buying, training school affiliations, training of laboratory and X-ray technicians and record clerks, will also receive attention.

An attractive program will be given with a banquet on the evening of Sept. 16 at which Judge A. C. Backus will be the toastmaster.”

The badge shown is from one of the planners, Arthur F. Belitz. Arthur represented Maternity hospital and was a lawyer in the Milwaukee area.
And this, The Valued Voice, is one of the regular publications they planned for 100 years ago. 

This story originally appeared in the January 16, 2020 edition of WHA Newsletter

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Thursday, January 16, 2020

CELEBRATING 100: Planning for the First Association Meeting in 1920

An article appearing in several newspapers across the state ran prior to the first meeting of the Association’s Sept. 16-17, 1920 meeting at the Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee. 

The Article: Organization of Hospitals of State Planned

“As a result of the Milwaukee Hospital Conference, held in Milwaukee a year ago, at which all Milwaukee hospitals were represented, a much larger organization which will include all state hospitals, is being planned by hospital boards and superintendents.

A meeting of representatives of all hospitals in the state will be held in Milwaukee at the Hotel Pfister Sept. 16 and 17. It is expected that every hospital in the state will be represented as the new association to be formed will be entirely non-sectarian and for that reason will be representative of the state. The state association when formed, will be a geographical unit of the American Hospital Association, which will meet in Montreal on October 4, and which will have among its delegates, several Wisconsin representatives who will be elected at the September meeting in Milwaukee.

The committee arranging for the convention includes Rev. Herman Fritschel, Milwaukee hospital; Miss Gertrude Borland, Hanover hospital; Miss Gertrude McKee, Milwaukee Children’s hospital; Dr. C. W. Munger, Columbia hospital and Arthur F. Belitz, Maternity hospital.

The main idea of the association will be to better the hospitals and their working conditions, by having annual meetings at which every hospital will be represented, frequent bulletins or possibly a regular publication. Such important points as adequate pay to hospitals for service in caring for workmen’s compensation cases, maintenance of nursing standards, state subsidization of hospitals doing charity work, and other like points, will be covered in the work of the association. Co-operative procedures such as buying, training school affiliations, training of laboratory and X-ray technicians and record clerks, will also receive attention.

An attractive program will be given with a banquet on the evening of Sept. 16 at which Judge A. C. Backus will be the toastmaster.”

The badge shown is from one of the planners, Arthur F. Belitz. Arthur represented Maternity hospital and was a lawyer in the Milwaukee area.
And this, The Valued Voice, is one of the regular publications they planned for 100 years ago. 

This story originally appeared in the January 16, 2020 edition of WHA Newsletter

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