Physician Edition

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


WHA Seeks Quality Improvement Stories for Annual Report

The WHA quality team wants to share your successes in the annual 2024 Wisconsin Health Care Quality Report. If your hospital has a quality improvement project highlighting the important improvement work that occurred throughout 2023, we would like to hear from you. Stories included in last year’s report can be viewed here. The 2023 report was downloaded over 1,700 times!

Email your story and attach any photographs or images of your work to Marcia Egle by Friday, May 24.

WHA Logo
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

WHA Seeks Quality Improvement Stories for Annual Report

The WHA quality team wants to share your successes in the annual 2024 Wisconsin Health Care Quality Report. If your hospital has a quality improvement project highlighting the important improvement work that occurred throughout 2023, we would like to hear from you. Stories included in last year’s report can be viewed here. The 2023 report was downloaded over 1,700 times!

Email your story and attach any photographs or images of your work to Marcia Egle by Friday, May 24.

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