Accessing BCBS settlement payments to hospitals

Wednesday, February 12, 2025
12:00 PM-12:30 PM



Program Description

In October, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and its member insurers (BCBS) agreed to settle class action litigation alleging BCBS illegal price fixing through the BlueCard program.  The settlement includes $2.8 billion in payments, largely to hospitals, and implementation of various measures to address administrative burden. 
WHA will be holding 20-minute member webinar on Wednesday, February 12 at 12noon to share information and resources regarding the settlement, an upcoming March 4 deadline for providers that wish to opt out of the settlement agreement, and a July deadline for providers to provide information to calculate their share of the monetary settlement.  This webinar will include the information provided to the WHA Inhouse Legal Forum during its discussions of the settlement in October, November, and December. 

This is a WHA member webinar, only.

Program Objectives

To share information and resources regarding the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and its member insurers (BCBS) settlement alleging BCBS illegal price fixing through the BlueCard program. 

Who Should Attend

All hospital members interested in this topic.



This webinar is complimentary.