About WHA

Advocate. Advance. Lead. It’s what the Wisconsin Hospital Association (WHA) does for its member hospitals and health systems so they can provide high-quality, affordable, accessible health care for Wisconsin families and communities.

WHA is committed to serving our members, and we keep you informed of important local and national legislative issues, interpret clinical and quality issues, provide up-to-date educational opportunities, and encourage member participation with Association activities. WHA was established in 1920, and later became the Wisconsin Health and Hospital Association in March 1996 in an effort to reflect the ever-changing, broad-based needs of statewide health care providers. In September, 2002, the WHA membership voted to revert back to the original name -- the Wisconsin Hospital Association -- to focus on the core mission and vision of the Association and its members.

WHA's membership includes hospitals, and corporate memberships are also available.


Advocating for the ability of our members to lead in providing high quality, affordable, and accessible health care services, contributing to healthier communities.


To be the unifying voice for Wisconsin’s hospitals and health systems and the state’s most trusted and influential health policy advocate.