Advocacy Day

2025 Advocacy Day

WHA is known for its superior government relations results and impactful advocacy on behalf of its members. The annual WHA Advocacy Day is designed to educate and motivate health care employees, trustees and volunteers on important health care-related issues and to encourage grassroots advocacy opportunities.

Each year, Advocacy Day brings in nearly 1,000 health care leaders, providers, hospital staff, trustees and volunteers from across Wisconsin to the state’s capitol to participate. Attendees hear timely insight to state and federal health care issues, and have the opportunity to participate in state legislative visits to advocate on behalf of their hospitals. 

Advocacy Day also features the Health Care Quality Showcase. Wisconsin hospitals showcase their quality improvement initiatives at the Capitol Rotunda and offer legislators, hospital staff and leadership, and the public the opportunity to engage with the dedicated staff behind enhanced patient care at Wisconsin hospitals.

Don't miss out on this year's Advocacy day on April 9, 2025!

Register now for Advocacy Day 2025

Register now for Advocacy Day 2025

Join WHA and nearly 1,000 health care advocates for a day of learning and advocacy at Advocacy Day 2025 on Wednesday, April 9 at Monona Terrace.

Event Highlights

Engage with Lawmakers

Hear from National Speakers

Make a Difference

Photo Gallery


  • "The speakers were excellent! It was very helpful to hear the different opinions and how WHA is bipartisan and works with both sides.”

  • “One of my meetings was quite large and it was so powerful to see all these like-minded professionals advocating for our patients and the great work we do each day.”

  • “Advocacy Day is a great opportunity and extremely underrated. It is fantastic that we the people have the chance to explain to legislators how their decisions affect everyday lives on our terms, not just as a yes/no vote that is presented to them. We have a chance to explain the hurdles in 'our' terms.”

  • “I learned so much about our hospitals and professional policies and needs. There were great presentations and information to share with legislators.”

  • “The Quality Showcase was an added bonus, both for our quality staff to feel promoted, as well as get some great visibility with legislators and health care leaders.”