Milwaukee Utilization Report

The Hospital Utilization Report contains basic information on patient services provided at general medical services hospitals during the previous month in the Milwaukee area. If applicable, the data includes the number of admissions and patient days, by specific bed classification, number of live births and number of Emergency Department (ED) visits, including the number of admissions resulting from ED services. Utilization Data is collected monthly on a voluntary basis and compiled in a PDF format from 31 Southeastern (Milwaukee) Wisconsin area hospitals.

The report is referred to as the Milwaukee Area Hospital Utilization Report because it is specific to the region and not all hospitals participate in the reporting. This is a public report that has been produced since 1965 and passed through multiple agencies over the past 50 years. In January 2019, Wisconsin Hospital Association (WHA) transferred responsibility for the collection, processing and posting of the data to the WHA Information Center (WHAIC).

*The Milwaukee Hospital Utilization Report is a voluntary report produced only for the hospitals listed in the report. This report along with multiple communications to remind facilities to complete the monthly report is automated. WHAIC staff make every effort to reach out and request cooperation and completion of the report to any facility that fails to complete it before it’s posted on the 15th of each month. Once the report is posted, WHAIC does not reprocess or repost missing facility data, any missing or overlooked data will be updated with the next monthly cycle.

If you have questions about the Milwaukee Area Hospital Utilization Report data, or would like more information on the multiple types of patient discharge data or reporting tools available through WHAIC, please contact a member of their team at WHA Information Center or call 608.274.1820.


Hospital Utilization Report - Definitions (pdf)

Utilization Report Changes

The Report Modifications column is only populated if there are changes made to any previous months during that timeframe. The Utilization Report Changes only reflect current YTD totals and any subsequent reports produced. There will be no changes made to prior reports produced and posted on the website.

Post-Acute Medical Specialty Hospital of Milwaukee (Greenfield) closed April 30, 2019 - effective March 1, 2019, WHA Information Center removed all Hospital Utilization report data.

Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Complex closed September 15, 2022. WHA Information Center removed all Hospital Utilization report data.