Ascension St. Francis Hospital, MilwaukeeThe Su Salud/Your Health program at Ascension St. Francis Hospital delivers culturally competent, bilingual educational presentations, comprehensive patient services, and breast cancer screenings to underserved women in Milwaukee. The program is part of the hospital's commitment to removing barriers for women in the community to access breast health care.
Su Salud is an innovative initiative that served about 500 women last year in Milwaukee and thousands since 2004. The program makes it easier to access services for women traditionally underserved by the health care system – those who are vulnerable, uninsured, or have limited English language skills, with a focus on Hispanic women. The program seeks to create understanding, access and a compassionate support system for women who have traditionally been reluctant to engage in or otherwise excluded from life-saving breast cancer screenings.
Su Salud creates a support system for women and should a woman require follow-up screening or care, the Ascension
St. Francis team provides financial coordination and navigation services to support her as she moves through the diagnostic and treatment services, including working to access health insurance, and financial and emotional resources. By providing life-saving outreach, education and screening programs, the program aims to detect and prevent breast cancer.
As breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Latinas, Su Salud emphasizes preventive education and screening services. The Su Salud team finds Hispanic women with breast cancer typically present at an earlier age and with more advanced cancers. It is because of individualized education and screening programs such as Su Salud that women are able to have the prevention and detection resources they need.