In partnership with Port Washington Parks & Rec, West Bend Parks & Rec and Aurora Health Care, and as part of the Cultivate Mental Wellness initiative, the Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin health network sponsored the Active Parks wellness program. More than 200 community members participated in free classes, such as mindful meditation, Reiki, yoga, tai chi, aromatherapy and antibullying that were held in local parks. Froedtert West Bend Hospital staff taught the Reiki classes and offered mental health wellness educational materials.
Based on the 2018 Community Health Improvement Plan and Process Survey, about 67% of Washington County residents were classified as overweight and 18% reported having a mental health condition. Mental health conditions are associated with chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, and related to risk behaviors for chronic disease and physical inactivity. Our health network works to address these issues through community partnerships and programs including Active Parks.