Mayo Clinic Health System in Southwest Wisconsin, with hospitals in La Crosse and Sparta reinvented health care delivery during COVID-19 surges so it could continue safely caring for patients. Activities included establishing COVID-19 testing sites, implementing virtual options for families to stay connected to hospitalized loved ones, expanding video and phone appointments, working with local health departments, and providing community education about COVID-19 protection.
Mayo Clinic Health System in Southwest Wisconsin also hosted two virtual COVID-19 community forums. “COVID-19 Outlook and Strategies for Resilience in Uncertain Times” included experts from infectious disease, behavioral health and pediatrics. The second community forum, “COVID-19: Hope on the Horizon,” discussed the organization’s plans for vaccine distribution, education, and outreach, as well as the progress made in the care of COVID-19 patients using newly available therapies. Both forums were viewed by hundreds of community members and provided relevant information and answers to questions.
Two additional “Coffee & Conversation” virtual presentations were co-hosted with Misty’s Dance Unlimited to help families cope with the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mayo experts from pediatrics and behavioral health shared information and answered parents’ questions. The two events, “Staying safe while staying sound: Surviving the winter of COVID-19" and “Back-to-school tips for mental health, whatever the setting,” provided information to keep families safe and healthy during COVID-19.