More of our neighbors face hunger than many of us realize. In Wisconsin, living with hunger is the reality for 1 in 14 people and 1 in 9 children, according to Feeding America.
Aspirus Stevens Point Hospital is helping the hungry in its community by donating its excess untouched food to the local Salvation Army. These donations often include sandwiches, pizza, and veggie trays. Three times a week, the Salvation Army picks up the food and redistributes it to those in need. The hospital’s annual donation of food and staff time equates to more than $50,000.
“By packaging and donating untouched food that would otherwise be thrown away, we are able to share approximately 270 pounds of food each month with our community members who struggle with hunger,” said Catherine Noth, director of nutrition and food services at Aspirus Stevens Point Hospital.
Additionally, Aspirus Stevens Point Hospital helps feed many area homebound individuals. The hospital’s nutritional services team prepares the meals that are delivered by volunteers through the Meals on Wheels Program of Stevens Point. This team also prepares the specialized modified meals that are served by the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Portage County.
The hospital’s nutritional services department dedicates 2.5 FTE of staff time daily to produce these meals.
“Our team is passionate about the healing power of healthy, great-tasting food,” said Noth. We are gratified to know that our time and talents are being shared with those in need throughout our community.”