Xavier was driving home when he was involved in a car accident. After seeing how much pain he was in, his family member brought Xavier to Aurora Medical Center - Grafton to have his injuries assessed.
Xavier’s primary language is Spanish, so a Language Interpreter met with him electronically to help him work with the Emergency Department team to explain what had happened. The Interpreter also helped him understand what his provider needed to communicate about his care.
Fortunately, the provider in the Emergency Department determined that Xavier’s injuries were minor and was able to discharge him to go home once his exam was complete. Relieved of this news, worry about the Emergency Department bill began to set in as Xavier had no health insurance.
The interpreter helped the financial advocate guide Xavier through the financial assessment process to explore his financial assistance options. Thanks to the assistance of the Spanish-speaking interpreter, the financial advocate was able to approve Xavier for a 100% discount through the Aurora Health Care Patient Financial Assistance Program.