Gundersen Boscobel Area Hospital and Clinic’s Community Health Needs Assessment indicated food insecurity and the delay of preventative health were putting our communities at risk.
While exploring ways to impact these identified health needs, we learned about the opportunity to partner with Second Harvest Foodbank to bring the HungerCare Wellness Program to Boscobel. The 12-month program is designed to support patients with diabetes, heart disease, or food insecurity. Once a month, enrollees receive a complimentary food box that includes nearly 30 pounds of diabetic-friendly and heart-healthy fresh, frozen, and dry goods along with educational handouts and meal-kit style recipe cards that correlate with the items received.
The collaborative effort began in October 2022 when Gundersen Boscobel agreed to coordinate enrollment, monthly reminders, and staff monthly pick-ups, Southwestern Wisconsin Community Action Program’s (SWCAP) Northern Grant County Food Pantry agreed to be the distribution site, and Second Harvest Foodbank agreed to provide the monthly food boxes and educational materials. Since its launch, the engagement from primary care providers, cardiopulmonary rehab nurses, and others at Gundersen Boscobel Area Hospital and Clinics has resulted in 36 patients being referred to and enrolled in the wellness program.
To further complement the HungerCare Program and support the health and well-being of program enrollees, UW-Extension’s FoodWIse Nutrition Educator Kathy Lange was added to the partnership. Now, each month before pick-up, enrollees can attend a one-hour “Cooking with Kathy” class at the Hospital. Each session offers enrollees a sneak peek of their box contents, nutrition education, an interactive cooking demonstration, and taste testing. Program participants have raved about Kathy’s approach and the opportunity to learn practical ways of using ingredients to support a healthier lifestyle.