Project SEARCH internsYou might meet one of the Project SEARCH interns while at the Luther Campus in Eau Claire. You will recognize them by their bright blue polo shirts and big smiles.
Mayo Clinic Health System proudly supports Project SEARCH, a nine-month training and educational program that leads to integrated and competitive employment for youth with disabilities. Project SEARCH is based on a collaboration that includes a local business, school district, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, disability services agencies and family.
Since September 2016, Mayo Clinic Health System has hosted Project SEARCH interns, with more than 65 interns successfully completing the program. Eleven Project SEARCH graduates are currently working with Mayo Clinic Health System and five with Morrison Healthcare, the food service provider. Project SEARCH graduates are also working at businesses in Bloomer, Chippewa Falls, Colfax, Eau Claire, Menomonie and New Auburn. All partners are vital to the success of the program.
While onsite, students spend time in a classroom and are introduced to many departments in the organization. Interns rotate through three internships, each lasting 10 weeks. Students are matched with positions and departments that align with their skills and interests, providing them with real-life work experience and many employment skills.
Not only do the students receive hands-on training and experience, but the organization and staff mentors benefit as well.
“Welcoming Project SEARCH interns into our inpatient pharmacy team has been a true blessing and something that I find to be mutually beneficial. Our team members gain an additional helper and exposure to those that are differently abled, which helps them to keep an open mind; be inclusive, understanding and compassionate; and think outside of the box,” says Colleen Hudson, inpatient pharmacy department technician supervisor for Mayo Clinic Health System in Eau Claire. “I truly love working with Project SEARCH—it makes my heart happy!”