2021 Quality Report

Hospital Quality Improvement Showcase - Marshfield Clinic Health System

Addressing Opioids

Marshfield Medical Center recognized the importance of developing a policy to provide guidance on opioid prescribing practices for acute and chronic pain management. 

This recognition was elevated to a system-level effort resulting in policy and system changes focused on using and prescribing opioids in hospital and clinic settings.

In 2019, the health system revised and approved the opioid prescribing policy. The scope and purpose were based on key elements of the State of Wisconsin Medical Examining Board’s policy on opioid prescribing for non-cancer pain. 

The goal was to minimize potential risk to all patients and individuals who may be around patients who could be intentionally or unintentionally exposed to opioid medications. Providers were encouraged to implement best practices for responsible prescribing and actively participate in community coalitions. 

Staff participated in the Wood County drug task force, alcohol workgroup, marijuana workgroup, Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Prevention Partnership and AOD steering committee, helping with educational presentations, community events, environmental and systems change.