2024 Quality Report

- Vernon Memorial Healthcare, Viroqua

Transitional Care Management (TCM)

At Vernon Memorial Healthcare, team collaboration is paramount in ensuring the efficient completion of the Transitional Care Management (TCM) process, guaranteeing that patients receive timely post-hospital discharge care. Recognizing the criticality of effective patient transitions for continuity of care and patient safety, the team is dedicated to enhancing patient outcomes by standardizing best practices to minimize complications and optimize recovery.

Since its inception in October 2022, the TCM program has made significant strides. The compliance rate for discharged inpatients receiving follow-up care with a provider within the 14-calendar day threshold increased from 20% between October and December 2022 to an impressive 86% between July and September 2023. This data-driven approach has paved the way for enhanced patient outcomes and a reduction in preventable readmissions.