Thursday, January 13, 2022


Senate Committee Hears Hospital-at-Home Legislation

Legislation that continues state regulatory flexibilities for hospitals with Medicare-approved acute hospital care-at-home programs received a public hearing in the Wisconsin Senate on Jan. 12. Senate Bill 687 extends regulatory flexibilities provided through 2021 Wisconsin Act 10 by clarifying the ability for hospitals to deliver hospital-level services in a home setting without needing additional state-level certification. The legislation also allows the state to use any federal program standards as a state standard, like landmark regulatory harmonization WHA achieved in 2014 when aligning state hospital regulations with Medicare’s conditions of participation. 
Lead author Sen. Dale Kooyenga (R-Brookfield) testified before the committee about the importance of extending this “innovative and cost-effective program” that will “create additional capacity options” for hospitals.
“If there is any silver lining in the last couple years, we have proven that we can provide more regulatory flexibilities in care delivery,” said Sen. Pat Testin (R-Stevens Point), chair of the Senate Health Committee. “I know this is a time-sensitive bill, so I look forward to getting this out of committee so we can get it to the floor.”
In November 2021, the Assembly Health Committee both heard and unanimously voted the Assembly’s companion to Senate Bill 687 out of committee, allowing it to be considered by the full Legislature. WHA expects this legislation to be taken up in both houses of the Legislature before the end of the month.
WHA members may contact WHA Senior Vice President of Government Relations Kyle O’Brien.
Vol. 66, Issue 2
Thursday, January 13, 2022

Senate Committee Hears Hospital-at-Home Legislation

Legislation that continues state regulatory flexibilities for hospitals with Medicare-approved acute hospital care-at-home programs received a public hearing in the Wisconsin Senate on Jan. 12. Senate Bill 687 extends regulatory flexibilities provided through 2021 Wisconsin Act 10 by clarifying the ability for hospitals to deliver hospital-level services in a home setting without needing additional state-level certification. The legislation also allows the state to use any federal program standards as a state standard, like landmark regulatory harmonization WHA achieved in 2014 when aligning state hospital regulations with Medicare’s conditions of participation. 
Lead author Sen. Dale Kooyenga (R-Brookfield) testified before the committee about the importance of extending this “innovative and cost-effective program” that will “create additional capacity options” for hospitals.
“If there is any silver lining in the last couple years, we have proven that we can provide more regulatory flexibilities in care delivery,” said Sen. Pat Testin (R-Stevens Point), chair of the Senate Health Committee. “I know this is a time-sensitive bill, so I look forward to getting this out of committee so we can get it to the floor.”
In November 2021, the Assembly Health Committee both heard and unanimously voted the Assembly’s companion to Senate Bill 687 out of committee, allowing it to be considered by the full Legislature. WHA expects this legislation to be taken up in both houses of the Legislature before the end of the month.
WHA members may contact WHA Senior Vice President of Government Relations Kyle O’Brien.