Thursday, January 20, 2022


Wisconsin RN Renewals Now Open

Members of Wisconsin’s largest health care profession, registered nurses (RNs), must renew their current Wisconsin license by Feb. 28. The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services sent renewal notices out this week via email to the more than 100,000 registered nurses holding active Wisconsin licenses.
Annual hospital survey results submitted to the WHA Information Center, including the fiscal year 2020 results, show that RNs continue make up more than half of the hospital and health system workforce. At the end of fiscal year 2020, hospitals counted 38,639 registered nurses among their workforce.   
Renewal notices are only sent electronically and rely on an active and accurate email address to reach RNs. RNs must also continue to complete a workforce survey in order for their license to be issued by the expiration date.
Contact WHA Senior Vice President of Workforce and Clinical Practice Ann Zenk with questions about RN renewals or other workforce issues.  
Vol. 66, Issue 3
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Wisconsin RN Renewals Now Open

Members of Wisconsin’s largest health care profession, registered nurses (RNs), must renew their current Wisconsin license by Feb. 28. The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services sent renewal notices out this week via email to the more than 100,000 registered nurses holding active Wisconsin licenses.
Annual hospital survey results submitted to the WHA Information Center, including the fiscal year 2020 results, show that RNs continue make up more than half of the hospital and health system workforce. At the end of fiscal year 2020, hospitals counted 38,639 registered nurses among their workforce.   
Renewal notices are only sent electronically and rely on an active and accurate email address to reach RNs. RNs must also continue to complete a workforce survey in order for their license to be issued by the expiration date.
Contact WHA Senior Vice President of Workforce and Clinical Practice Ann Zenk with questions about RN renewals or other workforce issues.