Thursday, March 17, 2022


WHA Health Care Workforce Forum to Seek Collaborative Solutions to Worker Shortage

WHA will host a complementary webinar to explore challenges and opportunities to sustain and strengthen Wisconsin’s health care workforce.

Wisconsin Hospital Association Health Care Workforce Forum
March 29
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Addressing the health care workforce shortage that has been building in Wisconsin and which has been exacerbated by COVID-19 will require a concerted and sustained strategy involving health care organizations, educators and policymakers. This strategy must encourage, support and advance health care workers in their pursuit of fulfilling and meaningful careers. 
WHA Senior Vice President of Workforce and Clinical Practice Ann Zenk will discuss the impact the Silver Tsunami, the Great Resignation and a persistent pandemic that pushed hospital occupancy to its limit has had on Wisconsin’s health care workforce. 
This WHA member-only virtual event will lay the foundation for a day-long forum being planned for September 2022 for WHA members and other key stakeholders to discuss the workforce challenges confronting hospitals and health systems and to learn about innovative strategies to address these challenges from expert speakers and from each other.
More information and online registration is available here. Contact WHA Vice President of Education and Marketing Leigh Ann Larson with questions.
Vol. 66, Issue 11
Thursday, March 17, 2022

WHA Health Care Workforce Forum to Seek Collaborative Solutions to Worker Shortage

WHA will host a complementary webinar to explore challenges and opportunities to sustain and strengthen Wisconsin’s health care workforce.

Wisconsin Hospital Association Health Care Workforce Forum
March 29
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Addressing the health care workforce shortage that has been building in Wisconsin and which has been exacerbated by COVID-19 will require a concerted and sustained strategy involving health care organizations, educators and policymakers. This strategy must encourage, support and advance health care workers in their pursuit of fulfilling and meaningful careers. 
WHA Senior Vice President of Workforce and Clinical Practice Ann Zenk will discuss the impact the Silver Tsunami, the Great Resignation and a persistent pandemic that pushed hospital occupancy to its limit has had on Wisconsin’s health care workforce. 
This WHA member-only virtual event will lay the foundation for a day-long forum being planned for September 2022 for WHA members and other key stakeholders to discuss the workforce challenges confronting hospitals and health systems and to learn about innovative strategies to address these challenges from expert speakers and from each other.
More information and online registration is available here. Contact WHA Vice President of Education and Marketing Leigh Ann Larson with questions.