Thursday, March 24, 2022


WHA Health Care Leadership Academy Attendees Learn Value of WHAIC Data Tools to Decision Making

In a March 22 virtual session entitled Data Tools for Everyday Use, WHA Health Care Leadership Academy participants received an overview of the data resources available to help them in their leadership roles through the Wisconsin Hospital Association Information Center (WHAIC).
WHAIC Vice President Jennifer Mueller, Director of Operations Brian Competente and Data Visualization Analyst Derek Buchholz discussed WHAIC’s many different data tools, demonstrated their functionality, and talked about how health care leaders can use these tools to better support their respective hospitals. Participants particularly enjoyed the hands-on portion of the session where they were able apply different scenarios to the tools to see them in action. 

If you are interested in learning more about the WHA Health Care Leadership Academy, including the 2023 program, contact WHA Vice President of Education and Marketing Leigh Ann Larson.