Thursday, June 16, 2022


Flex Grant Funding Available to EMS Providers

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is inviting requests for applications for $12 million in EMS Flex Grant funding. This investment comes from the American Rescue Plan Act–Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds.
“Wisconsin’s emergency medical services responders are among the first on the scene during our darkest hours—from a heart attack to a house fire—providing consistent, high-quality services when we need them most,” said Gov. Evers in a press release. “For too long, local communities have been doing more with less, especially in our rural communities who’ve had to cut critical public safety services due to lack of resources. These investments will help support EMS and health care access across our state by providing EMS providers the support they need to be there when folks need them.” 
According to a DHS press release, flex grant funding is available for reasonable operating expenses for EMS, including, but not limited to: 
  • Medical and personal protective equipment/protective supplies
  • Emergency operations including training required to maintain licensure or upgrade service level
  • Response equipment including training required to operate the equipment
  • Emergency response vehicles 
  • Emergency medical devices/trauma stabilization/pediatric and neonatal transport equipment
  • Staff recruitment and retention 
All EMS services licensed in the state of Wisconsin are eligible to request this funding. Applications are due before 4 p.m. on Monday, July 11, 2022. Grant awards are expected to be announced in August. Learn more and apply here.