Thursday, August 11, 2022


Announcing Inaugural Workforce Forum – Sept. 28 in Madison

WHA’s 2022 Workforce Forum will provide an opportunity for hospital and health system leaders and industry stakeholders to learn and share ideas for how to grow the health care workforce faster, retain and sustain our health care workforce, truly leverage technology and break down burden and burnout for health care workers. 
WHA’s expert team will create the framework for the current and future state of Wisconsin’s health care workforce, and participants will leave with an improved understanding of how their organization, health care stakeholders and state and federal policymakers can support the changes needed to sustain Wisconsin’s high-quality, high-value health care with a shrinking workforce and growing demand.
Join WHA for its 2022 Workforce Forum in Madison on Sept. 28. For more information on this event, including registration, click here.
Sponsorship opportunities are also available. To learn more, email the WHA education department at