RHeSUS Office Hours
A forum available for providers to discuss issues related to the management of patients with substance use disorders in the general medical setting. Dr. Randy Brown will be available to provide clinical support on questions such as managing patients with at-risk alcohol use and use disorder, prescription controlled substance issues, OUD/SUD management, and more. Questions can be on broader management topics or specific to a patient in your care.
RHeSUS Lunch and Learn
This monthly webinar series was developed by Dr. Randall Brown, in partnership with Wisconsin Hospital Association (WHA), to support those who treat and care for people struggling with substance use disorders in rural Wisconsin. The series will consist of didactic, case presentations and discussion, and plans to cover a variety of topics related to substance use disorders and management, and peer recovery services. This series is free of cost and offers CME/CE credit.
Funding for RHeSUS is provided by the UW School of Medicine and Public Health from the Wisconsin Partnership Program (WPP).