Thursday, March 16, 2023


WHA Celebrates National Patient Safety Awareness Week: March 12 -18, 2023

WHA would like to acknowledge our members’ continuous focus on providing safe patient care and promoting a safety culture in Wisconsin. The year-round efforts of our health care providers, professionals, support teams, advocates and caregivers are evidently a top priority in our state.

Recently we acknowledged the top engaging hospitals in our quality and patient safety initiatives, but we know all of you are focused on quality improvement initiatives aligned with your organizational strategic priorities. We’d like to host your stories in our 2023 Annual Quality Report. Watch for ways to submit your improvement projects in the coming weeks and please share suggestions and best practices for preventing patient harm that can be shared amongst all health care points for contact in our state.  
In recognition of Patient Safety Awareness Week (March 12-18), WHA and the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative are offering one free Quality Residency training module for the first five interested quality team members. The Quality Advisor bi-weekly newsletter sent this week has more information on how quality leaders can reply. Training modules feature a variety of topics including hospital compliance, quality measure requirements, performance and process improvement, project facilitation and implementation, creating a culture of safety and more.
Have a great week celebrating your focus on patient safety!