Thursday, June 22, 2023


Sen. Baldwin and Bipartisan Group of U.S. Senators Release RFI on 340B

A bipartisan group of six U.S. senators including Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin is seeking feedback on policies to provide stability and appropriate oversight of the 340B prescription drug discount program. The group released a request for information (RFI) on June 16 requesting feedback from stakeholders by July 28.

“I continue to be concerned by the rising cost of prescription drugs that undermine this essential program, which helps deliver affordable medications to underserved communities,” said Baldwin. “I am proud to work with my Democratic and Republican colleagues to find solutions to increase transparency and accountability so that the 340B program can work as intended and provide relief for Americans who are struggling.”

As covered in a recent edition of The Valued Voice, WHA was in Washington, D.C. recently with a group of hospital leaders to, among other things, stress the importance of 340B in helping hospitals stretch scarce resources while also asking lawmakers to guard against attacks to the viability of the program that have come from PhRMA in recent years.

“Congress created the 340B Drug Discount Program (340B) in 1992 to ‘stretch scarce Federal resources as far as possible, reaching more eligible patients and providing more comprehensive services,’” the letter begins. “The 340B program requires that drug manufacturers who participate in Medicaid provide certain non-profit health care providers, hospitals and clinics (covered entities) a discount on outpatient drugs. Since it was created, the program has enjoyed strong bipartisan support in Congress. While the program does not utilize federal taxpayer dollars, federal oversight is necessary to ensure the program functions as intended. We have heard concerns from some stakeholders about ambiguity in the 340B program and the need to strengthen oversight and accountability in the program,” it continues.

The RFI asks for feedback in six specific areas:

1.       HRSA oversight

2.       Contract pharmacy arrangements

3.       Ensuring 340B benefits covered entities and the patients they serve

4.       Ensuring accurate claims information to prevent duplicate discounts

5.       Program integrity measures to improve accountability of the 340B program

6.       Transparency in how 340B health care providers’ savings are used to benefit patient health

WHA intends to provide comments on the RFI in advance of the deadline and encourages anyone with feedback to contact WHA Vice President of Federal and State Relations Jon Hoelter.