Thursday, October 5, 2023


Stay Informed with WHAIC's Latest Training and Updates

As the WHA Information Center (WHAIC) celebrates its 20-year anniversary and your important role of providing essential health care data for the state of Wisconsin, we are excited to share some exciting developments, changes, and opportunities regarding WHAIC and the WIpop data submission system.
Introduction to WHAIC and WIpop
For those who might be new to WHAIC and WIpop, WHAIC plays a pivotal role in collecting, managing, and disseminating health care data that is mandated by state statute. This data is instrumental in promoting health care quality and transparency across the state. WIpop is the software hospitals use for submitting data to WHAIC.
What Data is Required and Mandated by State Statute?
The data required by WHAIC includes a wide range of health care information, such as inpatient and outpatient data, emergency department data and ambulatory surgery data. The submission of this data is critical for tracking health care trends, improving patient care, and ensuring the effectiveness of health care policies.
WIpop Updates and Highlights
2023 Annual WIpop Training Sessions
In honor of its 20-year anniversary, the WHAIC WIpop data submission site has undergone significant updates and improvements. To help users navigate these changes and make the most of the WIpop system, WHAIC staff hosted four annual training sessions at various locations throughout the state, with over 100 attendees.
For those who missed the in-person meetings, there is a virtual training on Oct. 12, 2023.
The new WIpop goes live Nov. 1, 2023. With the new WIpop comes a host of changes and improvements:
  • Multi-Factor Authentication: Attendees learned how to use the new login protocol to ensure the security of data submissions.
  • Streamlined Data Submission: Attendees discovered how to submit data without the 837 File Handler, making the process more efficient.
  • Enhanced Portal and Registration Site: Attendees explored the revised portal and registration site for a more user-friendly experience.
  • Improved Navigation: Attendees became acquainted with the new navigation toolbar in WIpop, making it easier to access the information needed.
  • Updated Manual: Attendees understood the revisions in the WIpop manual, which guides users through the submission process.
  • User Management: Attendees learned about the new user management features and data deliverables.
During the training sessions, attendees had the opportunity to meet and interact with the knowledgeable WHAIC staff. Throughout the year, they will address common submission questions and tackle hot topics related to health care data submission. WHAIC is committed to ensuring the data submission experience is as smooth and efficient as possible.
WHAIC appreciates your continued dedication to improving health care in Wisconsin through accurate and timely data submission. Questions can be directed to WHAIC Director of Data Management and Integrity Cindy Case.