Thursday, April 11, 2024


So Many Options Campaign Gains Momentum, Reaches Millions

Two months since its launch on Feb. 7, the So Many Options campaign has reached millions garnering significant traffic to the career exploration website. So Many Options seeks to address Wisconsin’s health care workforce shortage challenge by promoting the variety of health care career opportunities to young people.
To-date, the So Many Options website has received almost 100,000 visits, well exceeding expectations of 50,000 visits within the four months of February through May 2024. Digital advertising has served up more than three million impressions of the campaign messages on websites and social media platforms.
According to the campaign’s metric tracking, digital ads are responsible for about 40% of the traffic to the website. The remaining 60% of traffic comes from organic communication efforts.
“Digital advertising allows us to pinpoint and measure that our message is being seen and consumed by the right audience. However, thanks to our partnerships with key stakeholders in health care, workforce development and education, we are able to reach so many more people,” said WHA Vice President of External Affairs Kari Hofer.
To assist stakeholders in amplifying key messages, WHA developed a toolkit with resources specific to health care and schools. The resources include access to the campaign branding kit, creative assets and customizable templates, including video, graphics and flyers.
WHA President and CEO Eric Borgerding highlighted So Many Options at WHA’s Advocacy Day on March 20, 2024, attended by more than 700 hospital leaders, employees, providers, trustees and volunteers. Borgerding acknowledged the campaign’s success and thanked the campaign’s sponsors.
“This campaign just launched, and the momentum is really growing. But I think we’re just getting started,” said Borgerding. “I want to thank the organizations who are pitching in to sponsor this effort – WHA Foundation, the Rural Wisconsin Healthcare Cooperative (RWHC), Herzing University, EUA and DEMI Healthcare Partners. We’re very excited about how we can build and grow on the campaign’s early success.”
The campaign is generously supported by the WHA Foundation and sponsorship support. For more information about the campaign and how to support, contact WHA’s Kari Hofer.