Thursday, July 11, 2024


Worker's Comp Health Care Provider Advisory Committee Seeks Hospital Representatives

The Wisconsin Worker's Compensation Health Care Provider Advisory Committee, which advises the Department of Workforce Development and the Worker’s Compensation Advisory Council on several matters, needs two hospital representatives, several physicians, at least one registered nurse to serve as members of the Committee. The Committee meets virtually quarterly to help inform policy regarding the Worker’s Compensation treatment guidelines that help resolve necessity of treatment disputes in DWD 81 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code.

The Committee is charged with:
  • Considering clarifying the description of the WC treatment guidelines.
  • Updating the guidelines to include new modalities of treatment, procedures, and treatment options for classes of injuries included in the guidelines.
  • Expanding the guidelines to cover new types and classes of injuries.
Committee members serve five-year terms and can be reappointed. Membership on the Health Care Provider Advisory Committee is not a paid position. Those with questions or who would like to be considered for potential committee membership as one of the hospital representatives should contact WHA Policy Counsel Jon Hoelter.
The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development’s Worker’s Compensation Division reviews submissions and coordinates subsequent steps with the DWD Secretary, who is the appointing authority. Additional details about the committee are available online at