On Sept. 6, 2024, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Revenue Procedure 2024-35. In this document, the IRS increased the affordability calculation for large employers from 8.39% (2024) to 9.02% for 2025. This is an increase in the affordability percentage following several years of substantial decreases.
As a reminder, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Shared Responsibility Provisions require large employers to offer health coverage to full-time employees that meet certain standards to avoid penalties:
In order to manage to penalty #2, large employers must be mindful of the two requirements:
This requirement takes into account the cost sharing provisions and coverage under the plan. It does not include premium. The plan must cover 60% of the cost of benefits, or a “bronze” level plan. Employers can determine the value of their plans here.
This requirement applies to the lowest cost single coverage option that the large employer offers. Originally, the requirement was to compare premium contribution for such coverage to the employee’s household income. Because the household income is not “readily available” to the employer, three safe harbors were provided to determine affordability. In general, large employers avoid this penalty by offering full-time employees a contribution amount that is no more than 9.56% (2018); 9.86% (2019); 9.78% (2020); 9.83% (2021); 9.61% (2022); 9.12% (2023); 8.39% (2024); 9.02% (2025) of their wages toward the premium. To determine “wages,” the three affordability safe harbors are:
These safe harbors are all optional. Employers can choose to use one or more of the safe harbors for all employees or any reasonable category of employees, provided it is done on a consistent basis. Reasonable categories include specified job categories, salaried vs. hourly, geographic location and other bona fide business criteria.
Key Takeaways:
Applicable Large Employers (ALEs) should take note that the affordability calculation will increase from 8.39% in 2024 to 9.02% in 2025. This is a substantial increase and will affect all offers of coverage for plan years that begin on or after Jan. 1, 2025. While evaluating affordability, ALEs should determine their acceptable level of risk while considering safe harbors for offers of health insurance for employees.