Thursday, January 30, 2025


Grassroots Spotlight: Rep. Glenn Grothman Tours Prairie Ridge Health

WHA joined the staff of Prairie Ridge Health in Columbus for a hospital tour with Congressman Glenn Grothman on Jan. 30. The group thanked Congressman Grothman for his past support of 340B, Prior Authorization Reform and Telehealth, and spoke about how Wisconsin hospitals and health systems may be impacted by proposals coming out of Washington, DC.

Grothman at Prairie Ridge HealthL to R: WHA VP of Federal and State Relations Jon Hoelter; Prairie Ridge Health VP of Patient Care Services Jamie Hendrix; Congressman Grothman; Sr. VP of Culture, Strategy and Growth Ann Roundy; and VP Finance/CFO Melissa Mangan.

Vol. 69, Issue 5
Thursday, January 30, 2025

Grassroots Spotlight: Rep. Glenn Grothman Tours Prairie Ridge Health

WHA joined the staff of Prairie Ridge Health in Columbus for a hospital tour with Congressman Glenn Grothman on Jan. 30. The group thanked Congressman Grothman for his past support of 340B, Prior Authorization Reform and Telehealth, and spoke about how Wisconsin hospitals and health systems may be impacted by proposals coming out of Washington, DC.

Grothman at Prairie Ridge HealthL to R: WHA VP of Federal and State Relations Jon Hoelter; Prairie Ridge Health VP of Patient Care Services Jamie Hendrix; Congressman Grothman; Sr. VP of Culture, Strategy and Growth Ann Roundy; and VP Finance/CFO Melissa Mangan.