Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, June 16, 2023
CONTACT: Erin Voelkel (

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Borgerding Statement on JFC Passage of Health Services Funding

MADISON, Wis. — Eric Borgerding, Wisconsin Hospital Association President and CEO, praised the Joint Committee on Finance’s approval of funding for the Department of Health Services, saying:

“WHA is grateful to members of the Joint Finance Committee who put forward a strong, comprehensive package of health care related reimbursement investments that will help hospitals deal with rapid inflation and cost pressures that have negatively impacted access to care for patients.

“The American Hospital Association estimates hospital supply inflation is outpacing general inflation by 30 percent, meanwhile Wisconsin’s Medicaid program continues to reimburse hospitals far below the cost of providing care. Today’s investment in hospitals, who care for everyone who walks through their doors, will provide stability to the health care safety-net when it’s needed most.” –Eric Borgerding, WHA President and CEO