Quality Events

DataGen Overview of Medicare's Value-Based Purchasing Program & Analysis

Session 1
Have you been wondering how best your hospital can leverage the CMS reports offered as a WHA member benefit? Join us and learn more about Value Based Purchasing.

DataGen (a for-profit subsidiary of the non-profit Healthcare Association of NYS) provides Medicare fee-for-service analytic support to 46 state hospital associations and 10 multi-state health systems. In this webinar, DataGen partners with WHA to discuss the Center of Medicare and Medicaid's Value Based Purchasing program. DataGen will give an overview of the program and do a deep dive into CMS' methodology followed by a review of the DataGen VBP analysis that you receive through WHA. Finally, DataGen will provide state specific impacts over the last few years of the program.



May. 14, 2025
12:00 PM
- 1:00 PM


