Health Care Value

Higher quality health care gets people back to their normal activities faster, and they stay healthier. High-quality care delivers higher value for your health care dollar. Hospitals and health systems in Wisconsin provide accessible, affordable health care in their communities.

Wisconsin Hospitals Lead the Way

Wisconsin is Ranked:

Price Transparency

Wisconsin hospitals have led the nation in their willingness to share information on the cost, quality and safety of the care they provide in their communities – making Wisconsin a national model for health care transparency.

Since 2005, Wisconsin hospitals have voluntarily provided information to consumers through the Wisconsin Hospital Association Information Center's PricePoint tool on a per-facility, per-procedure basis for the most common services.

In 2023, PricePoint unveiled a large expansion of this data set and a modern plain-language search function, assisting consumers in finding procedure codes and providing information on all services delivered in Wisconsin hospitals. This change is only the latest upgrade that 100% of Wisconsin hospitals have voluntarily provided to expand the utility of health care consumer data for patients.

To learn more about price transparency, please visit our Price Transparency webpage.

In the News

Assessing Health Care Value

Taking the Pulse CoverIn 2017, the Wisconsin Technology Council released a report, “Taking the Pulse: How Quality Healthcare Builds a Better Bottom Line”, which examined Wisconsin’s long-term record of providing some of the nation’s highest-quality health care. The report recommended touting that performance as a business attraction feature, especially in light of data that shows health insurance costs for Wisconsin employers at or slightly above the U.S. median.

In February 2023, the WTC released an update, “Taking the Pulse: How Quality Health Care Builds a Better Economy.” The report again concluding that Wisconsin’s top-quartile rankings for health-care quality and cost figures roughly in line with regional and national figures mean that Wisconsin workers and companies hold a competitive edge.

Read the WTC Report

WI rural critical access hospitals ranked second in the nation