Thursday, January 5, 2023


Gov. Evers Calls for Health Care Workforce Investments in Inauguration Speech

During his Jan. 3 Inauguration Day address to the people of Wisconsin, Gov. Tony Evers began his second four-year term in office calling for more investments in our health care workforce.

Gov. Tony Evers“We all know the challenges that have plagued our state’s workforce for a decade. Wisconsin must be able to compete to bring more talented workers to our state, most especially to address our health care workforce shortage,” said Evers.
The Governor’s comments in his inaugural address come two weeks after meeting with the Wisconsin Hospital Association Board of Directors to discuss challenges hospitals and the state’s health care system have in retaining and recruiting health care staff in Wisconsin.
“So, we have to keep investing in good roads and infrastructure, good schools, and good health care. And together we will,” said Evers.
According to data from the Wisconsin Hospital Association, annual costs of labor for Wisconsin hospitals have increased by $580 million between 2019 to 2021. Nationally, per-discharge hospital labor costs have increased from $4,009 in 2019 to $5,494 in 2022.
Senator Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu (R-Oostburg) recognized that the state needs to prepare and invest in services that have been impacted by inflationary costs during his inaugural address to the Wisconsin State Senate.
“Last session we passed a budget that was supported by both sides of the aisle and signed by the Governor. Let’s work toward that again,” said LeMahieu.
“As we go through the budget process, we need to understand inflationary pressures. This includes local governments, education, transportation, corrections and health care. Fortunately, we have set ourselves up with resources to address these needs,” continued LeMahieu.
Gov. Evers will deliver his budget address and 2023-2025 state budget proposal during a joint session of the state Legislature on Feb. 15, 2023.
Vol. 67, Issue 1
Thursday, January 5, 2023

Gov. Evers Calls for Health Care Workforce Investments in Inauguration Speech

During his Jan. 3 Inauguration Day address to the people of Wisconsin, Gov. Tony Evers began his second four-year term in office calling for more investments in our health care workforce.

Gov. Tony Evers“We all know the challenges that have plagued our state’s workforce for a decade. Wisconsin must be able to compete to bring more talented workers to our state, most especially to address our health care workforce shortage,” said Evers.
The Governor’s comments in his inaugural address come two weeks after meeting with the Wisconsin Hospital Association Board of Directors to discuss challenges hospitals and the state’s health care system have in retaining and recruiting health care staff in Wisconsin.
“So, we have to keep investing in good roads and infrastructure, good schools, and good health care. And together we will,” said Evers.
According to data from the Wisconsin Hospital Association, annual costs of labor for Wisconsin hospitals have increased by $580 million between 2019 to 2021. Nationally, per-discharge hospital labor costs have increased from $4,009 in 2019 to $5,494 in 2022.
Senator Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu (R-Oostburg) recognized that the state needs to prepare and invest in services that have been impacted by inflationary costs during his inaugural address to the Wisconsin State Senate.
“Last session we passed a budget that was supported by both sides of the aisle and signed by the Governor. Let’s work toward that again,” said LeMahieu.
“As we go through the budget process, we need to understand inflationary pressures. This includes local governments, education, transportation, corrections and health care. Fortunately, we have set ourselves up with resources to address these needs,” continued LeMahieu.
Gov. Evers will deliver his budget address and 2023-2025 state budget proposal during a joint session of the state Legislature on Feb. 15, 2023.