Thursday, March 23, 2023


Advocacy Day Bipartisan Legislative Panel Confirmed

The Wisconsin Hospital Association will have an outstanding legislative panel for 2023 Advocacy Day. Confirmed panelists include lawmakers from both parties who serve on the powerful budget-writing Joint Finance Committee: Co-Chair Rep. Mark Born (R-Beaver Dam), Rep. Evan Goyke (D-Milwaukee), Sen. LaTonya Johnson (D-Milwaukee) and Sen. Pat Testin (R-Steven Point).

As always, the panel provides attendees in-depth insight into the state budget and issues facing health care in our state—and there is a lot to talk about in 2023.

Advocacy Day attendees will also hear from morning keynotes, former governors Jim Doyle and Tommy G. Thompson, as well as special guest remarks from Gov. Tony Evers (invited).

Advocacy Day will be held April 19 at the Monona Terrace in Madison. There is still time to register for this important event and participate in the all-important legislative visits taking place at the state capitol from 2:15 - 3:30 p.m. following the luncheon.  

If you have yet to register yourself or your hospital contingent, please do so today. A program and online registration are available.

For Advocacy Day questions, contact Kari Hofer at 608-274-1820.

Vol. 67, Issue 12
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Advocacy Day Bipartisan Legislative Panel Confirmed

The Wisconsin Hospital Association will have an outstanding legislative panel for 2023 Advocacy Day. Confirmed panelists include lawmakers from both parties who serve on the powerful budget-writing Joint Finance Committee: Co-Chair Rep. Mark Born (R-Beaver Dam), Rep. Evan Goyke (D-Milwaukee), Sen. LaTonya Johnson (D-Milwaukee) and Sen. Pat Testin (R-Steven Point).

As always, the panel provides attendees in-depth insight into the state budget and issues facing health care in our state—and there is a lot to talk about in 2023.

Advocacy Day attendees will also hear from morning keynotes, former governors Jim Doyle and Tommy G. Thompson, as well as special guest remarks from Gov. Tony Evers (invited).

Advocacy Day will be held April 19 at the Monona Terrace in Madison. There is still time to register for this important event and participate in the all-important legislative visits taking place at the state capitol from 2:15 - 3:30 p.m. following the luncheon.  

If you have yet to register yourself or your hospital contingent, please do so today. A program and online registration are available.

For Advocacy Day questions, contact Kari Hofer at 608-274-1820.