Thursday, April 6, 2023


WHA 2023 Salary Survey Results Now Available to Survey Participants

2023 marked the addition of another workforce benefit for WHA members. In partnership with the Wisconsin Healthcare Human Resources Association (WisHHRA), WHA launched its inaugural salary survey on Jan. 3, 2023. The survey was offered at no cost to WisHHRA and WHA members. 124 hospitals and health care facilities took advantage of the opportunity. WHA Salary Survey Reports were released to participants on April 4. 
The WHA salary survey results include statewide and peer group wage data for more than 260 job codes. Participants can utilize the standard report and customize their report to include facilities they choose for comparisons and any of the peer groups. These peer groups are available for comparison: facility type, region, WHA Information Center Volume Group, net patient revenue, health system revenue group and full-time equivalents.
WHA and WisHHRA are pleased with the great participation in this inaugural year of their co-branded survey. WHA’s salary survey oversight group will meet to discuss the survey and report rollout and lessons learned to ensure that WHA’s salary survey and reporting will be a meaningful resource for assisting hospitals and health systems as they work through the many workforce issues facing the industry.
If you have questions, concerns or feedback, contact WHA Senior Vice President of Workforce and Clinical Practice Ann Zenk or WHA Information Center Vice President Jennifer Mueller.
Vol. 67, Issue 14
Thursday, April 6, 2023

WHA 2023 Salary Survey Results Now Available to Survey Participants

2023 marked the addition of another workforce benefit for WHA members. In partnership with the Wisconsin Healthcare Human Resources Association (WisHHRA), WHA launched its inaugural salary survey on Jan. 3, 2023. The survey was offered at no cost to WisHHRA and WHA members. 124 hospitals and health care facilities took advantage of the opportunity. WHA Salary Survey Reports were released to participants on April 4. 
The WHA salary survey results include statewide and peer group wage data for more than 260 job codes. Participants can utilize the standard report and customize their report to include facilities they choose for comparisons and any of the peer groups. These peer groups are available for comparison: facility type, region, WHA Information Center Volume Group, net patient revenue, health system revenue group and full-time equivalents.
WHA and WisHHRA are pleased with the great participation in this inaugural year of their co-branded survey. WHA’s salary survey oversight group will meet to discuss the survey and report rollout and lessons learned to ensure that WHA’s salary survey and reporting will be a meaningful resource for assisting hospitals and health systems as they work through the many workforce issues facing the industry.
If you have questions, concerns or feedback, contact WHA Senior Vice President of Workforce and Clinical Practice Ann Zenk or WHA Information Center Vice President Jennifer Mueller.