Thursday, April 14, 2022


Grow Our Own Grant Applications Due May 6

WHA-crafted grants help hospitals and health systems grow needed professionals
There’s still time to apply for the latest round of Wisconsin Department of Health grant funding for Allied Health Profession and Advanced Practice Clinician Training. 
This matching grant program, spearheaded by WHA, has spurred more than $40 million investment in additional health care training opportunities and created valuable public private partnerships to “grow our own” Wisconsin health care workforce.

With rising vacancy rates  in allied health professions like nursing assistant and surgical tech and increasing pressure to meet the rising health care demand with a shrinking workforce, hospitals, health systems and educators can use this grant funding to tailor workforce growth to the needs of the communities they serve. 
Features and benefits of the Advanced Practice Clinician (APC) Grant include:
  • Provides up to $50,000 per year per clinic or hospital;
  • Targets clinical training for physician assistants, nurse practitioners and other advanced practice clinicians; and
  • Covers expenses such as books and materials, tuition and fees, stipends for living expenses, preceptor costs.
The Allied Health Professionals (AHP) Education & Training Grant includes the following:
  • Provides up to $125,000 per year per partnership;
  • Targets “high need, high demand” allied health professions;
  • Requires partnerships with educational entities and health systems; and
  • Covers expenses such as curriculum and faculty development, tuition, and clinical site or simulation expenses.
Applications are due May 6, 2022, and funding will begin in July. You can find the applications here: AHP RFA and APC RFA. 
Contact WHA Senior Vice President of Workforce and Clinical Practice Ann Zenk with questions.
Vol. 66, Issue 15
Thursday, April 14, 2022

Grow Our Own Grant Applications Due May 6

WHA-crafted grants help hospitals and health systems grow needed professionals
There’s still time to apply for the latest round of Wisconsin Department of Health grant funding for Allied Health Profession and Advanced Practice Clinician Training. 
This matching grant program, spearheaded by WHA, has spurred more than $40 million investment in additional health care training opportunities and created valuable public private partnerships to “grow our own” Wisconsin health care workforce.

With rising vacancy rates  in allied health professions like nursing assistant and surgical tech and increasing pressure to meet the rising health care demand with a shrinking workforce, hospitals, health systems and educators can use this grant funding to tailor workforce growth to the needs of the communities they serve. 
Features and benefits of the Advanced Practice Clinician (APC) Grant include:
  • Provides up to $50,000 per year per clinic or hospital;
  • Targets clinical training for physician assistants, nurse practitioners and other advanced practice clinicians; and
  • Covers expenses such as books and materials, tuition and fees, stipends for living expenses, preceptor costs.
The Allied Health Professionals (AHP) Education & Training Grant includes the following:
  • Provides up to $125,000 per year per partnership;
  • Targets “high need, high demand” allied health professions;
  • Requires partnerships with educational entities and health systems; and
  • Covers expenses such as curriculum and faculty development, tuition, and clinical site or simulation expenses.
Applications are due May 6, 2022, and funding will begin in July. You can find the applications here: AHP RFA and APC RFA. 
Contact WHA Senior Vice President of Workforce and Clinical Practice Ann Zenk with questions.