Thursday, May 26, 2022


WHA-Produced Vaccine Encouragement PSA Earns Advocacy Award

Bellin Hospital physician and patient share medical, personal reasons for getting vaccinated
A public education radio advertisement produced by WHA’s communications agency Platform Communications has been recognized by the American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) with a bronze Pollie award for best use of radio in the public affairs/issue advocacy division.
The ad features Bellin Hospital’s Dr. Charles Heyka and his patient Peter Gabrielson (“Coach Pete”), who share their perspectives, medical and personal, respectively, on why COVID-19 vaccination is important.
Development of this ad and others encouraging COVID-19 vaccination drew upon funds awarded to the Wisconsin Rural Health Cooperative by the National Foundation for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Inc., to encourage greater vaccination uptake within rural communities across Wisconsin. Seen and heard on television, radio and online channels throughout the fall of 2021, the campaign leveraged the WHA-led 135-member Stop the COVID Spread! coalition for amplification.
“Vaccine encouragement messaging involving WHA members and their patients is one of many ways hospitals and health systems throughout the state stepped up to fight the COVID-19 pandemic over and above caring for infected patients and in addition to providing regular care to their communities,” said WHA President and CEO Eric Borgerding. “WHA is honored by this recognition of the extra-mile efforts put forth by Wisconsin hospitals to keep their communities safe throughout this devastating health emergency.”
In total, the AAPC reviewed more than 1,100 submissions from across the country in formats ranging from television, digital, direct mail and phones.
Vol. 66, Issue 21
Thursday, May 26, 2022

WHA-Produced Vaccine Encouragement PSA Earns Advocacy Award

Bellin Hospital physician and patient share medical, personal reasons for getting vaccinated
A public education radio advertisement produced by WHA’s communications agency Platform Communications has been recognized by the American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) with a bronze Pollie award for best use of radio in the public affairs/issue advocacy division.
The ad features Bellin Hospital’s Dr. Charles Heyka and his patient Peter Gabrielson (“Coach Pete”), who share their perspectives, medical and personal, respectively, on why COVID-19 vaccination is important.
Development of this ad and others encouraging COVID-19 vaccination drew upon funds awarded to the Wisconsin Rural Health Cooperative by the National Foundation for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Inc., to encourage greater vaccination uptake within rural communities across Wisconsin. Seen and heard on television, radio and online channels throughout the fall of 2021, the campaign leveraged the WHA-led 135-member Stop the COVID Spread! coalition for amplification.
“Vaccine encouragement messaging involving WHA members and their patients is one of many ways hospitals and health systems throughout the state stepped up to fight the COVID-19 pandemic over and above caring for infected patients and in addition to providing regular care to their communities,” said WHA President and CEO Eric Borgerding. “WHA is honored by this recognition of the extra-mile efforts put forth by Wisconsin hospitals to keep their communities safe throughout this devastating health emergency.”
In total, the AAPC reviewed more than 1,100 submissions from across the country in formats ranging from television, digital, direct mail and phones.