Thursday, June 8, 2023


WHA Hosts Second Stroke Learning Action Network (LAN)

WHA hosted the second Stroke Learning & Action Network (LAN) event, “Seamless Clinic and Community Connections - Stroke Care Across the Continuum,” on June 2, facilitated by WHA physician improvement advisor Dr. Bobby Redwood. Twenty participants made up of stroke coordinators, emergency department directors, registered nurses, and quality leaders from 10 Wisconsin hospitals/health systems attended. Dr. Redwood shared that Wisconsin was the first state to have county health rankings with all states now ranking their counties in terms of health. He asked what the future would look like if we decreased stroke risk through community change. In round table discussion, stroke subject matter experts highlighted what they are doing in their communities in terms of stroke care, sharing innovative ways to decrease stroke risk.

Paul Vilar of Advocate Aurora Health, Shawna Boehlen and Angie Cofta of Froedtert Hospital, Heather Thome of The Richland Hospital, and Hollie Landreman of Ascension All Saints Hospital provided expertise on their organization’s stroke systems of care and shared how they address community needs.

This Stroke LAN series was sponsored by the Wisconsin Coverdell Stroke program at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and through grant funding made possible by the national initiative to address COVID-19 health disparities among populations at high risk and underserved, including racial and ethnic minority populations and rural communities, through the Centers for Disease Control and prevention.

Vol. 67, Issue 23
Thursday, June 8, 2023

WHA Hosts Second Stroke Learning Action Network (LAN)

WHA hosted the second Stroke Learning & Action Network (LAN) event, “Seamless Clinic and Community Connections - Stroke Care Across the Continuum,” on June 2, facilitated by WHA physician improvement advisor Dr. Bobby Redwood. Twenty participants made up of stroke coordinators, emergency department directors, registered nurses, and quality leaders from 10 Wisconsin hospitals/health systems attended. Dr. Redwood shared that Wisconsin was the first state to have county health rankings with all states now ranking their counties in terms of health. He asked what the future would look like if we decreased stroke risk through community change. In round table discussion, stroke subject matter experts highlighted what they are doing in their communities in terms of stroke care, sharing innovative ways to decrease stroke risk.

Paul Vilar of Advocate Aurora Health, Shawna Boehlen and Angie Cofta of Froedtert Hospital, Heather Thome of The Richland Hospital, and Hollie Landreman of Ascension All Saints Hospital provided expertise on their organization’s stroke systems of care and shared how they address community needs.

This Stroke LAN series was sponsored by the Wisconsin Coverdell Stroke program at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and through grant funding made possible by the national initiative to address COVID-19 health disparities among populations at high risk and underserved, including racial and ethnic minority populations and rural communities, through the Centers for Disease Control and prevention.