Vol. 66, Issue 29
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- PHE Formally Extended for 90 More Days, Allowing Regulatory Flexibilities to Continue
- MEB Shelves Rule That Could Add at Least $75m in Health Care Costs Following WHA Advocacy
- Worker’s Comp Rates to Fall for Seventh Consecutive Year
- Wisconsin “Grow Our Own” Training Grant Applications Open
- Wisconsin Hospitals State PAC & Conduit Update
- GUEST COLUMN: Rapid Response and Recovery: Responding to Disruptive Events in the Health Care Industry
- Proposed 2023 CMS Outpatient Rule Establishes New REH Payment Methodology
- Technical Assistance Coaching Session on Reducing Readmissions Draws Statewide Participation
- Have You Invited the WHA Speaker Bureau to One of Your Staff or Board of Directors Meetings?
Mar. 14, 2025
2025 Physician Leadership Development ConferenceApr. 9, 2025
2025 Advocacy DayApr. 22, 2025
Nursing ServicesClick here to view quality event calendar
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Thursday, July 21, 2022
PHE Formally Extended for 90 More Days, Allowing Regulatory Flexibilities to Continue
As anticipated, the Biden administration has announced the federal public health emergency (PHE) has been extended for another 90 days, effective July 15.
The federal government has authorized this public health emergency for 90-day periods going back to Jan. 31, 2020. The PHE has been used to authorize both blanket and individual waivers that have allowed for crucial regulatory flexibilities, including:
WHA will continue to advocate for legislation that retains the aforementioned flexibilities made possible by the PHE. Earlier this year, Congress passed legislation that would allow Medicare's telehealth waivers to continue for 151 days past the expiration of the PHE. This means Congress will have until at least mid-March of 2023 to figure out a more permanent telehealth policy. WHA will continue to educate Wisconsin's congressional delegation on the need to provide a similar glide path for the other less well-known but similarly important waivers that have led to significant care innovations during COVID.
Contact WHA Vice President of Federal and State Relations Jon Hoelter with questions.
The federal government has authorized this public health emergency for 90-day periods going back to Jan. 31, 2020. The PHE has been used to authorize both blanket and individual waivers that have allowed for crucial regulatory flexibilities, including:
- Telehealth
- Hospital at Home
- CAH waivers such as lifting the 96-hour average length of stay and 25 inpatient bed cap
- EMTALA waivers
WHA will continue to advocate for legislation that retains the aforementioned flexibilities made possible by the PHE. Earlier this year, Congress passed legislation that would allow Medicare's telehealth waivers to continue for 151 days past the expiration of the PHE. This means Congress will have until at least mid-March of 2023 to figure out a more permanent telehealth policy. WHA will continue to educate Wisconsin's congressional delegation on the need to provide a similar glide path for the other less well-known but similarly important waivers that have led to significant care innovations during COVID.
Contact WHA Vice President of Federal and State Relations Jon Hoelter with questions.