Reimage Your Work Design

Processes, Roles, and Workflows to Best Support Your Workforce Ecosystem

Wednesday, October 2, 2024
10:00 AM-11:00 AM

Huron Series


Program Description

By thoughtfully designing WHAT work needs to be done to create maximum value and align to the organization's strategic priorities, WHO does the work so that you have the right resources at the right place at the right time, and HOW work is performed to create exceptional customer, employee, & provider experiences, organizations can accelerate realizing their goals and priorities.


Program Objectives

  • Understand how to rethink the way core work can be done within healthcare organizations
  • Build awareness of digital tools that can be leveraged to reduce the need for human capital
  • Learn how to maintain experience while transforming the way work is done

Who Should Attend

All hospital leaders



This webinar is complimentary.