Systems Approach to Patient Safety

A total systems approach to safety recognizes that healthcare safety is a shared responsibility involving multiple levels of an organization, from frontline workers to leadership. This approach emphasizes a culture of safety, strong communication, and continuous learning.
Emergency Department
The emergency department (ED) presents unique safety challenges due to its high patient volume, time-sensitive care, and unpredictable environment. Ensuring patient, staff, and caregiver safety in this setting requires proactive strategies that align with a total systems approach to safety.
Hospital safety resources including tools, protocols, and programs designed to enhance patient, staff, and visitor safety within healthcare facilities. These resources aim to prevent medical errors, reduce risks, and improve overall care quality.
Patient Safety Structural Measure (PSSM)
As part of the FY2025 rule, CMS is requiring hospitals participating in the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) program to implement the Patient Safety Structural Measure (PSSM). Hospitals will need to comply with the measure beginning January 1, 2025, and attest/report in each of the five domain areas in spring of 2026.