
While Wisconsin families can take advantage of one of the best health care systems in the country, many Wisconsin communities struggle to retain access to health care services due to provider shortages or transportation barriers.

Telehealth, which is the delivery of health care services remotely by means of telecommunications technology, can help to improve access to health care services by allowing patients to receive care locally in their communities by connecting to existing providers in other locations. Common examples of telehealth include virtual office visits, telestroke services, remote patient monitoring, and remote evaluation of patient information.

WHA Contact

Jon Hoelter
Vice President, Federal and State Relations
EMAIL: Jon Hoelter

By enabling patients to connect to providers remotely, telehealth also decreases the amount of time patients need to travel or be away from work and family.  Further, by reducing avoidable, higher-cost health care utilization (e.g., ER visits and hospital admissions), the delivery of health care via telehealth can help to reduce or maintain overall health care costs.

Relevant Videos

Telehealth: Senate Health Committee testimony, 10-09-19.

Telehealth: Assembly Medicaid Reform Committee testimony, 09-24-19.

A WisconsinEye "Morning Minute" highlighting WHA's legislative briefing.

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