Thursday, February 15, 2024


Advocacy Day is in 34 days! Wondering Why You Should Attend? Plus, Important Hotel Information

There are myriad reasons to attend Advocacy Day in just 34 days! Advocacy Day…
  • Creates opportunities for hospitals and health systems and their advocates to raise awareness around topics related to health care policy and advocacy.
  • Encourages individuals to connect with their local legislators on issues affecting their community.
  • Allows attendees, including hospital employees, trustees and volunteers, to make a visible impact in the state capitol.
  • Provides Wisconsin health care advocates a forum to learn and share with one another.
  • Educates and motivates health care employees, trustees and volunteers on important health care-related issues and encourages grassroots advocacy opportunities.
  • Gives participants the opportunity to visit their state lawmakers’ offices and advocate on behalf of their hospitals.
  • Provides a forum for national speakers to give timely insight to state and federal health care issues.
Hotel Room Block will be released on Monday, Feb. 19
A room block has been reserved for the night of March 19 at:
Hilton Madison Monona Terrace
9 East Wilson Street
Madison, WI 53703
Room rate is $169/plus tax. To reserve a room, please call Hilton reservations at 800-445-8667 or call the hotel directly at 608-255-5100 and reference the group code: WHA.
WHA highly recommends making your hotel reservation as early as possible before the block is lifted on Feb. 19. After this date, the cost is increased to the Hilton's standard pricing.
Advocacy Day Resources
Register for Pre-Advocacy Day Webinar
WATCH: Advocacy Day Video Highlights
Questions? Contact WHA's Kari Hofer at 608-274-1820 or
There is no registration fee to attend Advocacy Day, but pre-registration is required.
Vol. 68, Issue 7
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Advocacy Day is in 34 days! Wondering Why You Should Attend? Plus, Important Hotel Information

There are myriad reasons to attend Advocacy Day in just 34 days! Advocacy Day…
  • Creates opportunities for hospitals and health systems and their advocates to raise awareness around topics related to health care policy and advocacy.
  • Encourages individuals to connect with their local legislators on issues affecting their community.
  • Allows attendees, including hospital employees, trustees and volunteers, to make a visible impact in the state capitol.
  • Provides Wisconsin health care advocates a forum to learn and share with one another.
  • Educates and motivates health care employees, trustees and volunteers on important health care-related issues and encourages grassroots advocacy opportunities.
  • Gives participants the opportunity to visit their state lawmakers’ offices and advocate on behalf of their hospitals.
  • Provides a forum for national speakers to give timely insight to state and federal health care issues.
Hotel Room Block will be released on Monday, Feb. 19
A room block has been reserved for the night of March 19 at:
Hilton Madison Monona Terrace
9 East Wilson Street
Madison, WI 53703
Room rate is $169/plus tax. To reserve a room, please call Hilton reservations at 800-445-8667 or call the hotel directly at 608-255-5100 and reference the group code: WHA.
WHA highly recommends making your hotel reservation as early as possible before the block is lifted on Feb. 19. After this date, the cost is increased to the Hilton's standard pricing.
Advocacy Day Resources
Register for Pre-Advocacy Day Webinar
WATCH: Advocacy Day Video Highlights
Questions? Contact WHA's Kari Hofer at 608-274-1820 or
There is no registration fee to attend Advocacy Day, but pre-registration is required.