Vol. 68, Issue 23
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Thursday, June 6, 2024


Only One More Week to Register for the 2024 Wisconsin Rural Health Conference

If you have not done so yet, register today for the 2024 Wisconsin Rural Health Conference.
This annual statewide forum is designed to highlight public policy and operations issues affecting rural health care, identify how the delivery of and access to rural health care are changing and identify ways in which data, technology and people processes are improving care and access for rural populations.
Comprised of nationally known speakers and local subject matter experts, the agenda is full, engaging and relevant. The keynote opening presentation is by award winning Professor of Healthcare Administration Dr. Amer Kaissi. Based on his new research and book Humbitious – The Power of Low-Ego & High-Drive Leadership, Dr. Kaissi will share how, in leadership, humility is not a weakness but is actually a strength, and it can be a superpower when combined with ambition. Building on his experience as an executive coach, research from organizational and sport teams, and stories of successful (and not-so-successful) leaders in business and government, Dr. Kaissi shows why self-aware, appreciative, open-minded and ambitious leaders can lead their teams and organizations to high performance, and why self-centered ones can only have short-term success. He provides specific take-home behaviors for leaders to implement immediately and transform the way they lead. The full agenda can be found here.
To learn more about the conference, including registration and hotel room reservation information, click here.
Sponsoring and exhibiting opportunities are available to WHA corporate members. For questions regarding this and any other aspect of the conference, contact

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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Only One More Week to Register for the 2024 Wisconsin Rural Health Conference

If you have not done so yet, register today for the 2024 Wisconsin Rural Health Conference.
This annual statewide forum is designed to highlight public policy and operations issues affecting rural health care, identify how the delivery of and access to rural health care are changing and identify ways in which data, technology and people processes are improving care and access for rural populations.
Comprised of nationally known speakers and local subject matter experts, the agenda is full, engaging and relevant. The keynote opening presentation is by award winning Professor of Healthcare Administration Dr. Amer Kaissi. Based on his new research and book Humbitious – The Power of Low-Ego & High-Drive Leadership, Dr. Kaissi will share how, in leadership, humility is not a weakness but is actually a strength, and it can be a superpower when combined with ambition. Building on his experience as an executive coach, research from organizational and sport teams, and stories of successful (and not-so-successful) leaders in business and government, Dr. Kaissi shows why self-aware, appreciative, open-minded and ambitious leaders can lead their teams and organizations to high performance, and why self-centered ones can only have short-term success. He provides specific take-home behaviors for leaders to implement immediately and transform the way they lead. The full agenda can be found here.
To learn more about the conference, including registration and hotel room reservation information, click here.
Sponsoring and exhibiting opportunities are available to WHA corporate members. For questions regarding this and any other aspect of the conference, contact

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