Thursday, December 1, 2022


What's Your Antibiotic Stewardship New Year's Resolution?

A Simple Antibiotic Stewardship QI Project for Every Department in the Hospital
When: Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022, 12-1 p.m.
Should I be cutting back on fluoroquinolone prescribing? Does every pre-op patient need an IV dose of cefazolin? What are the best practices with antibiotics and how can I help my group, department, or hospital adapt?
In health care, there are a variety of tools at our disposal to improve antibiotic use and decrease the incidence of adverse drug events and multidrug resistant organisms. WHA Physician Quality Improvement Advisor Dr. Bobby Redwood's webinar provides department-specific suggestions for antibiotic stewardship quality improvement projects based on a review of the 2021-2022 antibiotic stewardship literature. Many of the projects can be easily adapted for any clinical setting--so whether you're an OR nurse, a hospitalist, an infection preventionist, or a PA in the clinic, our aim is start your New Year off right with inspiring opportunities to make evidence-based antibiotic choices and decrease overall antibiotic use when appropriate.
Join us at noon on Dec. 6 for "What's Your Antibiotic Stewardship New Year's Resolution? A Simple Antibiotic Stewardship QI Project for Every Department in the Hospital." All groups are welcome and encouraged to attend!
This lunchtime webinar is being offered at no cost. Participants will:
  • Learn a strategy to reduce antibiotic use in an outpatient setting
  • Learn a strategy to improve antibiotic selection in an acute care setting
  • Learn a strategy to reduce antibiotic use in a surgical setting
Vol. 66, Issue 48
Thursday, December 1, 2022

What's Your Antibiotic Stewardship New Year's Resolution?

A Simple Antibiotic Stewardship QI Project for Every Department in the Hospital
When: Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022, 12-1 p.m.
Should I be cutting back on fluoroquinolone prescribing? Does every pre-op patient need an IV dose of cefazolin? What are the best practices with antibiotics and how can I help my group, department, or hospital adapt?
In health care, there are a variety of tools at our disposal to improve antibiotic use and decrease the incidence of adverse drug events and multidrug resistant organisms. WHA Physician Quality Improvement Advisor Dr. Bobby Redwood's webinar provides department-specific suggestions for antibiotic stewardship quality improvement projects based on a review of the 2021-2022 antibiotic stewardship literature. Many of the projects can be easily adapted for any clinical setting--so whether you're an OR nurse, a hospitalist, an infection preventionist, or a PA in the clinic, our aim is start your New Year off right with inspiring opportunities to make evidence-based antibiotic choices and decrease overall antibiotic use when appropriate.
Join us at noon on Dec. 6 for "What's Your Antibiotic Stewardship New Year's Resolution? A Simple Antibiotic Stewardship QI Project for Every Department in the Hospital." All groups are welcome and encouraged to attend!
This lunchtime webinar is being offered at no cost. Participants will:
  • Learn a strategy to reduce antibiotic use in an outpatient setting
  • Learn a strategy to improve antibiotic selection in an acute care setting
  • Learn a strategy to reduce antibiotic use in a surgical setting