
EMTALA Regulatory Series

Session 2

Medicare-certified hospitals must follow CMS regulations and interpretative guidelines for the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. This three-part series will focus on problematic areas of EMTALA concepts, adequacy of medical screening and on-call physician issues.
Part Two will discuss EMTALA issues such as:

  • Adequacy of medical screening examinations.
  • Appropriate transfers. 
  • Certification of false labor.
  • EMTALA sign issues.
  • Observation, inpatient and outpatient.


EMTALA Regulatory Series

Session 3

Medicare-certified hospitals must follow CMS regulations and interpretative guidelines for the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. This three-part series will focus on problematic areas of EMTALA concepts, adequacy of medical screening and on-call physician issues.
Part Three will focus on physician involvement with the EMTALA process including on-call physician schedules, on-call physician rules, when an on-call physician must appear in the emergency department and how to deal with difficult patient situations such as leaving against medical advice and leaving without being seen.