They may be called “man’s best friend” but dogs are still animals and they can still bite. Sometimes when a dog bites, it causes severe injuries that require medical attention, even if that victim is uninsured. Here’s Adam’s story:
Adam arrived at the Emergency Department (ED) at Aurora Lakeland Medical Center in June 2020. He had been walking outside when a stray dog attacked him, resulting in severe injuries to his legs and hands. Adam knew he needed immediate medical attention but expressed his concern to the nurses caring for him that he was going to receive a bill that he couldn’t afford.
Unfortunately, when the COVID-19 pandemic started impacting Wisconsin, Adam lost his job. He was receiving $370.00 per week in unemployment benefits but that was only enough to cover his basic living expenses. He didn’t have anything “extra” that he could budget to pay down any medical bills.
Aware of his situation, the hospital’s Financial Advocate reached out to Adam to complete a financial assessment. Through that assessment, the Advocate was able to approve Adam for a 100% discount on his ED visit through the Aurora Helping Hand Patient Financial Assistance Program.
After the ED team members patched him up and he got word that the dog that attacked him was obtained by local animal authorities, Adam was able to return home, worry free.